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上海英创 | ”同情与同理心” 是我们作为教育者最应该为之努力的事情




上海英创 | ”同情与同理心” 是我们作为教育者最应该为之努力的事情

在刚过去的10月23日校园开放日中,大家参与了SHYC国际部3D打印&创意艺艺术导师Andrew Weaver的艺术课堂,在短暂的课堂体验中,有幸对话这位亲切又慷慨健谈的艺术家,来听听他对十年国际教育的一些经验之谈。
上海英创 | ”同情与同理心” 是我们作为教育者最应该为之努力的事情
ndrew Weaver
I think that international education means helping our students to become global citizens and taking ownership of their role in the world, both at home and abroad.We support them to become lifelong learners always striving to better understand their world and push the limits of their own imagination and abilities. By pulling from the best educators from around the globe we help to being different viewpoints and perspectives that help to enlighten and grow our students minds and potential.

One of my proudest moments in art education was when I had a student who always wanted to present his best, he was very “fashion.”He joined ceramics class and looked at the potters wheel with horror with all its swirling mud. It was through the relationship both inside and outside the classroom that I was able to encourage him to give the wheel a chance. He came in the next day with a full body plastic suit and sat at the wheel. He continued to work at it and I continued to encourage him. He soon fell in love with the potters wheel and became the best student on it, even helping his classmates with their own work, becoming a teacher to them.

Later that year we set up a special section in the art exhibition for his pots. His face beamed with pride, as did my own.



上海英创 | ”同情与同理心” 是我们作为教育者最应该为之努力的事情


I have found sometimes it’s closed mindedness. Whether it’s at seeing a different viewpoint or trying a new way of doing something. Sometimes students want to do things their way and aren’t open to trying something new. We get stuck in ruts sometimes and don’t want to break free of our comfort zones.

Art opens so many avenues for students. Art teaches creativity and adaptability. These are the traits that employers look for most in their employees. They want employees who will bring a new perspective and tackle problems in a new way.Art teaches students to think openly and try new things. Art also doesn’t always work the way you want it to, so you have to adapt and try a new way. If employers wanted to keep doing the same thing over and over they wouldn’t hire new people, they want to bring in new ideas and people who are willing to try a different way.


Compassion and empathy.Teaching students to care and feel for others is the most important thing we should strive for as educators. We want our students to make the world a better place, to care for the world and for others.



Keep trying. Don’t give up. If you are confused about something don’t be afraid to ask for help. Ask your friends, ask your teachers, ask your parents. No one can do everything perfectly every time. That is why we need help sometimes. If you keep trying and don’t give up and ask for help, you will succeed.
继续努力,不要轻易放弃。如果你对某事感到困惑,不要害怕寻求帮助。问问你的朋友,问问你的老师,问问你的父母。没有人能把每件事都做得完美无缺。这就是为什么我们有时需要帮助。如果你不断尝试,不放弃,不寻求帮助,你会成功的。上海英创 | ”同情与同理心” 是我们作为教育者最应该为之努力的事情

Chinese students have the advantage of being taught very skill based art lessons. They often are very good at replicating a technique or work. Often where I have seen some need for growth is in creativity. Taking those skills and applying them to a new way of doing something. Coming up with their own idea instead of taking someone else’s and copying it or adapting it. If they can push their creativity and combine it with their skills there are no limits that they can achieve.

Some of my best cases are students who “broke the mold.” They pushed the limits of their creativity, they didn’t get stuck doing the same thing over and over. They grew as artists,They also grew as people. Their compassion and empathy for each other came out in their artwork.One student chose to show this through her fashion designs. She put her heart and soul onto her very sleeve. She shared her own bouts with depression and anxiety through her clothing designs. She went on to use these designs in her submissions to Parsons The New School where she was accepted.


上海英创 | ”同情与同理心” 是我们作为教育者最应该为之努力的事情