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莱克顿新学期 | 与梦相约,争做勇者

On February 14, Lucton has kicked off the new term. During the Monday Assembly, the Headmaster has welcomed all the students and teachers back to school by expressing his love with a finger heart.
莱克顿新学期 | 与梦相约,争做勇者
校长在会上向全体师生宣布Frank Feng 先生本学期起将担任学术副校长(教学与学术)。
New Year brings new feelings and new hopes. We are delighted to see new students joining the Lucton family. New staffs in the Academic and University Guidance Departments bring a wealth of teaching experience. This new blood makes the Lucton Community stronger.
The Headmaster has introduced Mr Frank Feng to all the teachers and students who is the new Deputy Head of Academic (Teaching and Learning).
Frank Feng
Deputy Head Academic
莱克顿新学期 | 与梦相约,争做勇者
Frank 获有两个硕士学位,主修教育学并毕业于马里兰大学,拥有英国温彻斯特公学所颁发的学校管理证书。他在中国国际学校的教学、教师职业发展、教学质量监控和学校管理方面拥有近 20 年的经验。同时作为英语老师,他将共同带领学术团队精进发展,更好地满足学生的个性化需求和教师的职业发展。
Mr Frank Feng, a graduate of the University of Maryland, has two master degrees, with a major in education. He also holds a certificate of School Management from Winchester College in the UK and has almost twenty years of experience in teaching, teachers’ professional development and school management. At the same time, while being an English teacher, he will be working closely with the Academic team to grow and develop, meeting the individual needs of our students and the professional development needs of our expert teachers.
莱克顿新学期 | 与梦相约,争做勇者
值此2022年 北京冬季奥运会举办之际,奋勇拼搏怀揣奥林匹克梦想的运动健将们在赛场上尽全力展现风采,永不言弃,在青葱岁月年华中反复在冰场雪场千万次重头再来的努力不懈精神,不断地激励着师生们。
On the occasion of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, the athletes with Olympic dreams are doing their best on the field. The spirit of never giving up continues to inspire the Lucton community.
在此夯实的专业学术指导服务基础上,我们也迎来了三位升导老师的加入,为升学指导部增添满满活力且更稳固的力量。他们将与升学指导总监 Melody Kong 女士共同协作,为学生提供更加全面的升学指导计划,加强培养高效学习习惯,并助力进入心仪大学。
We are committed to providing students with various opportunities to achieve their dreams step by step. Professional and excellent services in University Guidance Department run through Year 10 to Year 13. We observe and tap into students' potential, formulating personalized application guidance right from the start.
On this solid basis of professional services from the University Guidance Department, we also welcome three new counsellors joining us this term. Under the guidance of Ms Melody Kong, the Head of University Guidance, the new team aims to provide an efficient and comprehensive guide for students.
During the Assembly, Daniel, Serena and Amber, the joining counsellors, has presented themselves and reminded the term goals for students in each year groups. They have started by illustrating the exciting success of Chinese Winter Olympics athlete Yiming Su who has just won the Gold Medal as the youngest Olympics winner in China. We hope that our students can achieve their success. By benefiting from a wide-reaching network, extracurricular activity database and experienced multicultural advising team, our students shall cooperate with admissions officers while being more confident about university choices.
莱克顿新学期 | 与梦相约,争做勇者
In the end, the Headmaster has appreciated the joint efforts of teachers and students last year. Looking back, our teachers excel in educating students by their dedication and commitment. We have cooperated with our lovely parents, created various opportunities to achieve outstanding academic results, and strived to live up to our educational values.
We keep pursuing excellence constantly. As the new term begins, we are excited to have a busy period ahead, packed with academic challenges and enrichment activities. As the Lucton community, we will be together for a shared future.