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上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony


On August 31st, SHBS held its commencement for the Fall semester of 2021 to welcome back its existing students and greet its newly-enrolled students.

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony



As more and more audience took their seats in the auditorium, they were attracted by some videos played on the big screen. The first two videos were about the sports day last semester, and the third one was about the recent orientation camp.

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony




Then before the opening ceremony offically started,

Some lovely girls performed a dance with their sweet smiles and elegant postures, winning cheers from the audience.

Two students performed calligraphy arts, while two others practiced kungfu, winning praises from the audience.

Two boys sang a duet to their own guitar, touching the audience.

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony



The ceremony was co-hosted by Foreign Principal Chris and Ms. Irene Ma. After introducing the faculty team to the audience, Principal Chris invited Mr. Joshua to speak on behalf of the faculty.上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony


“去尝试一些对你来说很困难的事情,去探索未知的领域,花点时间去参加一些你可能感到不知所措的社团活动。最重要的是, 花这些时间去做出改变,并且知道在这条道路的尽头,你会有很大的成长与改变,和最初的你很不一样。”

“Exploration, side journeys, detours, and mistakes are just as important as goal setting and achievement.  It’s important to view these years as an opportunity to explore who you are as a person as much as it’s a chance to set goals for the future.”

“Try things that may be too difficult, and find yourself in places where you don’t know the rules and are unsure of the path.  Waste time and join clubs or groups whose descriptions make you say “huh?”.  Most importantly, take this time to experience change in ways you may not fully understand, and know that you’ll be a far different person at the end of this path than you were when you began, and know that this is a good thing.


Speech by Faculty Representative 

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony


Speech by Student Representative




"If you have any question about campus life, turning to your teacher for help is definitely the best choice."

"Everyone is an individual with an independent mind, so they are bound to hold the same and different opinions. At this time, we need to respect everyone, listen to their opinions, discuss with them, and seek common ground while reserving differences."

"I hope the new students will quickly adapt to the new campus life, and existing students will keep making progress."

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony


Awarding Ceremony




Students were greatly impressed by the variety of scholarships which ranged from the 1,000 yuan per person Wenhui Scholarship to the 20,000 yuanFounders' award.

However, this community where students and teachers live together cannot thrive without the support from parents.

When the students are thinking, exploring, practicing and contributing, it is the teachers who give us guidance, while the parents provide support.

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony


Speech by Principal Bowen

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony





"Our life is nothing but the sum of our habits."

"A man searched for a stone that could help turn stone into gold for ten years, but because he repeatedly threw ordinary stones off the cliff for ten years, he threw the magic stone off the cliff right away out of habit. "

"When a company recruited its employees, they didn’t test them or talk to them. Instead, they picked the best candidate just by observing their behaviors."

"Constant dropping wears away a stone, and little stokes fell great oaks. If you keep doing something no matter how small it is, you will achieve something great eventually.

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony

上海宏润博源学校2021年秋季学期开学啦!SHBS 2021 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony