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优良的校园氛围能给大家带来良好的学习环境,同样,一个平安的校园才是大家安心学习的基础条件。本周升旗仪式上,针对校园欺凌开展了主题教育活动。学校外方课程校长Mr. Cockburn 为我们带来了主题演讲。Mr.Cockburn表示,只有安全才能让同学们愉快地学习和生活。数据表明,校园霸凌逐渐成为校园甚至是这个社会中不可被忽视的一个严峻的问题——无论在学校、公司还是家庭,霸凌的存在让人们逐渐陷入自卑的情绪并且无法热爱自己的工作以及生活。然而,霸凌者会控制不好自己的情绪,易怒、暴躁并且热爱暴力,他们会以霸凌为乐,通过霸凌以及被霸凌者的痛苦来寻找快感。霸凌的形式有很多种,不止是身体上的攻击,还有语言和网络上的辱骂与恐吓。霸凌者的体格会比一般的同龄人更加的壮实,并且这种现象多在女生群体中出现;而被霸凌者则会很焦虑、自卑,并且无法集中注意力。如果同学们观察到或者感觉到有霸凌的现象,请及时向家长和学校反映这个情况,也希望大家能勇敢地站出来,为自己甚至是为身边的同学对霸凌说“不”。


PART 1:外方课程校长Mr. Cockburn主题演讲

Good morning students. I hope you had a great weekend. On Friday afternoons, I often visit classes and wish students a good weekend and to stay safe. I always stay safe because if you are not safe and do not stay well, you will not enjoy the weekend. The same goes for your time at school. If you do not feel safe and are not well, you cannot learn.

Regrettably, there is one challenge that society has, companies have, families have, and schools have, and that is bullying. There are various types of bullying, but they usually fail into three categories.
 1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Cyber:
  I want to reflect on some of the feelings one has when they are being bullied. 1. Insecurity:
 a. Bullying tears down yourself-esteem,leaving you feeling like you are worthless. Bullies are trying to make you feel as insecure as possible (because they are insecure).
 2. Self-Esteem:
 a.Bullying makes you nervous about everything you’re doing,feeling afraid you’re going to mess up. It doesn’t matter what you change or how hard you try, it makes you feel that nothing you do with ever be good enough, so you stop trying.
  3. Resentment:
a.You look around and see other kids talking and laughing.Every one is posting happy times on social media, and you wish your life were like that.
 4. Anger:
 a.When others are constantly judging you and putting you down,it feels bad and makes you so angry. The littlest remark can trigger anger. You already feel stressed out, with them pushing your buttons, messing with you, annoying you, getting angry, freaked out, and not knowing how to manage the negative emotions that are bombarding you. You just want the pain to stop.
  5. Anxiety:
a.The continual pressure and instigating make you annoyed and stressed out. The constant stress does horrible things to your health. Then your brain starts bullying you. You start worrying about every little thing, and the thoughts spiral and swirl in your head and torment you.
 6. Depression:
 a.Bullying makes you sad.It’s hurtful.It makes you feel worthless.It’s a terrible downward spiral. When you feel worthless, it’s easy to believe the stuff they say every day.
  7. Thoughts of Suicide:
 a.Bullies say you are a burden, they say they wish you were gone,they would be better if you were dead. Bullies make you believe that you are the problem.
  Now I have a few statements that I want you to reflect on for a few minutes. Do you fall into any of these categories? These are a list of characteristics of bullies.
• Poor self-image
• Poor self-esteem
• Impulsiveness
• Anger management problems
• Controlling, rather than leading
• Prone to frustration and feeling annoyed
• Lacking empathy; not sympathetic to the needs or desires of others
• Blames victims by saying things like, "If that geek didn't look so stupid, I wouldn't have to hit him."
• Difficulty following rules
• Little respect for authority
• Views violence in a positive way, such as a form of entertainment or an
excellent way to get needs met
• Physically stronger than other children (common with boys who bully)
• Perceived as popular (common with girls who bully)
  If you are being bullied, talk to your parents, councillors, teachers, or school administrators. But research has shown the best way to deal with bullies is to have ‘Upstanders.’ These are people who say ‘No” to bulling or, more importantly, say ‘No” to a bully when they see someone bullying someone else.
I want to introduce a couple of Grade 12 students who will outline an activity our school is going to implement to deal with the challenges of bullying.







PART 2:走近校园霸凌
留心捡起的是一片纸,纯洁的是自己的精神; 有意擦去的一块污渍,净化的是自己的灵魂。
Picking up a piece of paper deliberately, what gets pure is your own spirit; a piece of stain deliberately wiped away is what purifies your own soul.
On the Children's Day in 2016, all parents are waiting for their kids to wake up and enjoy the holiday that belongs to them. It was the same day, a child with bruises and bruises did not wake up ever again.
That kid named Tao Chengpeng. At the year he was 15, he drunk a whole bottle of virulent pesticide.  
It was a Monday, which he should be at school.
What he left are only the cold body, and suicide note stained with blood. This note was given to his teachers, parents, and little brother. On the bloody note, he wrote:
"Your students, children, and elder brother, sorry to you for the result. I can no longer stand the bullying of a few classmates, so I chose to leave.."
 At school, he has tasted the mental torment and the pain on flesh and blood. When he chose to leave this world, he has been totally blocked by a violent figure, blocked by pain, and blocked by blood scabs.
Waves of crusade were higher and higher. When bullying appears in the name of a collective, it will coerce your will and make you a bully without noticing it. Compared with physical wound, psychological wound is invisible. It is fear, self abasement, and hatred. Think about the purpose of school education, which is to enlighten student's minds and inherit the achievements and virtues of human civilization.
When violence invades the campus, it’s sand storm blow into the greenhouse, destroying and destroying the saplings before they become fit and strong. But when the saplings gathered courage and strength, the storm will no longer stay unstoppable.