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上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景


Green shades company green grass. On August 26th, Shanghai MacDuffie welcomed the new students of Grade 9 and Grade 10. They were full of vigor and enthusiasm for the new school life. During the week-long activities, they became the most beautiful scenery on the campus.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景


On the morning of August 26th, all the officials in the principal's office, admission office, grade 9 and grade 10 homeroom teachers and dormitory administrator teachers got ready to welcome the new students.


In order to comprehensively prevent and control the epidemic, the school strictly follows the latest epidemic prevention requirements of Shanghai. All students entering the school are required to take their temperature at the school gate and show their travel code and health code. Meanwhile, students and their accompanying parents who left Shanghai in the recent 14 days are also required to show a nucleic acid test negative certificate within 48 hours.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景


The principal and the admission office teachers welcomed the new students at the school gate to express their welcome and best wishes to them. Admission teachers guide students and their parents to get all kinds of daily necessities customized by the school in the dormitory area, and submit all materials required for admission. In view of the important issues of the new semester, the homeroom teachers also communicated with the parents briefly and effectively to make preparations for the smooth new semester.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景

26日下午,学校在小剧场举行新生家长及同学见面会。会上,王东焕校长介绍了学校的教育理念和美达菲“怀中国心,做世界人”的办学理念,刘相涛副校长和David Scoggins协调官介绍了三大课程体系、融合课程和学期安排,王海鹏副校长介绍了学生的德育教育工作,赖玲凤主任介绍了升学指导工作的成绩,会后各班主任分别召开了小班会,讲解后续近一周的安排和注意事项。

On the afternoon of 26th, the school held a meeting for parents and students of freshmen in the small theater. Conference, Principal Wang Donghuan introduced the school education idea and the value of "International vision with a Chinese heart ", Liu Xiangtao vice principal and David Scoggins academic co-ordinator introduced three fusion course systems, course arrangements, and Wang Haipeng wang vice principal introduced the moral management of the students, Director Lai Lingfeng introduced the entrance guidance work achievement. After the meeting, each homeroom teacher held a small class meeting to explain the arrangements and matters needing attention for the following week.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景


27日-30日,为了帮助新同学顺利实现过渡,美达菲为学生量身设计了个性化的暑期新生衔接课程。学生在学习强化英语语言的同时学习学术课程, 为即将开始的国际课程学习奠定坚实的基础

From 27th to 30th, in order to help new students make a smooth transition, Medafei has designed a personalized summer orientation program for students. Students learn the intensive English language while taking academic courses to provide a solid foundation for their upcoming international studies.


The bridging program strengthens students' basic and practical English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and lays the foundation for the formal international high school curriculum. The one-week course includes not only the subject knowledge of international courses that will be studied in depth in the future, but also the flexible and diversified sports and art extension courses, professional career planning, mental health and other characteristic courses, as well as the quality courses of debate, speech and film appreciation. During the summer camp, the students not only learned a variety of knowledge, but also established a friendship with the teachers, and showed their own personality, knowledge and talent.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景


On August 31st, all the freshmen and their homeroom teachers participated in the ten-kilometer hiking activity featuring MacDuffie, measuring life with their feet, getting close to nature and experiencing the happiness of traveling thousands of miles after reading thousands of books. In Shanghai MacDuffie, we always uphold the concept of "Leading moral education with sports", so that students can grow into a healthy, caring and indomitable MacDuffie students through the whole person education.


As the saying goes "life lies in movement". Sports are just like air and water for human beings. Only sports can maintain the existence and continuation of life. All things in the world are in constant motion all the time. From the planet we live on to the cells in our bodies. Sports play an immeasurable role in the growth and development of children.


Sports are not only conducive to the growth of the child's height, but also can cultivate the child's will quality and ability to resist setbacks. Because exercise plays an important role in brain maturation and energy release, it can also improve children's concentration. And because exercise can make the heart and lungs work quickly, and transport oxygen and energy to the brain, so exercise can improve learning efficiency very well. The excursion also allowed students to recharge their batteries for the new semester and be energized to meet the challenges ahead.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景

上海美达菲学校还为新生准备别开生面的篝火晚会。临近黄昏,晚霞笼罩下的校园变得异常迷人,草坪中间,是燃起的篝火;篝火周边,是青春的学子。Shanghai MacDuffie School also prepares a special candlelight party for freshmen. Approaching dusk, the campus becomes extremely charming under the sunset cloud, the middle of the lawn, is lit by a bonfire; Around the campfire, are the young students.在主持人的引导下,所有新老师和新同学站在了内圈,老教职员工和老同学站在了外圈,手持蜡烛。上海美达菲学术协调员David Scoggins先生围绕着美达菲的核心价值观:集体、正直、尊重、创造力、领导力、卓越,对烛光晚会这一传统仪式进行了回顾,也对未来进行了新的展望。随着篝火的持续燃烧,全体师生的热情也已被这火焰所点燃。而后,两个圈融合为了一个大圈。此时此刻,没有新老教师的区别,没有新老生的区别。大家通过这个仪式,已经完全成为了一个集体,新的大家庭。最后,各位师生依次将手中的蜡烛吹灭,也宣告着此项活动已临近尾声。虽然烛光总有熄灭的时候,但烛光象征着光明,象征着希望,象征着温暖,象征着友爱,也象征着力量。这一切都已经根植于在场的每一位老师和同学的心中。Under the guidance of the host, all the new teachers and new students stood in the inner circle, and the old staff and old students stood in the outer circle, holding candles. Mr. David Scoggins, Academic Coordinator of MacDuffie Shanghai, reviewed the candlelight ceremony and looked into the future, focusing on MacDuffie 's core values: community, integrity, respect, creativity, leadership and excellence. As the bonfire continues to burn, the enthusiasm of the teachers and students has been ignited by the flames. Then, the two circles merge into one big circle. At this moment, there is no difference between old and new teachers, no difference between old and new. Through this ceremony, everyone has become a collective, a new family. Finally, the teachers and students blew out the candles in their hands in turn, which also announced that the activity was coming to an end. Although the candle is always out, it is a symbol of light, hope, warmth, love, and strength. All these have been rooted in the hearts of every teacher and student.

上海美达菲 | 你是校园最美的风景



We come to MacDuffie to study, to plant a seed, and the seed is the goal of the future. Under the guidance of the teacher, you fertilize the seed, and three years later the seed will grow into a tall tree. When you go out of MacDuffie, they will embrace the world, the dream universities.


This is our goal in life, and this is how the seed grows on campus. Although we are strangers, from the moment you choose this school, I believe that as long as you work hard, you will succeed. I wish you all the best in the future.