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宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education

俗话说:成功的人生就是一个好的目标体系,当目标完全融入生活的时候,人生目标的达成就只剩下时间问题了。特别是处于学习阶段的学生,更应该设定一些属于自己的目标。As the saying goes,successes in life depend on a good system of goals. If your goals are fully integrated into life, achieving them is only a matter of time. Students, especially school-age ones, should set some goals of their own.10月11日下午的CAS活动,宏润博源学校升学部门引领全校师生开展目标教育活动。鉴于各年级同学的升学任务和目标各有不同,升学部门为预备年级到12年级的同学们分别安排了针对性活动——预备年级和10年级的同学在班主任的带领下完成目标计划书,11年级的同学集中在图书馆聆听Chris校长的升学指导讲座,12年级的同学在林老师的带领下准备最后的大学申请工作。
The CAS session on the afternoon of Oct. 11 saw the goal-setting activity initiated by the college advising department of SHBS. Considering that students in different grades have different tasks to fulfill and different goals to set, the college advising department organized targeted activities for students ranging from pre graders to 12th graders --- Guided by their homeroom teachers, pre graders and 10th graders were supposed to fill in the underclassmen worksheets; the 11th graders were supposed to attend a lecture on college application given by Principal Chris, while guided by Ms Chuman Lin, 12th graders prepared for their college application in the final stage.
宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education
预备年级&10年级the pre and 10th graders
预备年级和10年级正处高中阶段自我发展的开端,目标、理想、方向、动机格外重要。学生只有知道自己的脚步将迈向何方,才能知道自己现在身处何地,才会内生源源不断的动力。所以,各位同学在班主任老师的指导下,开启了自我探索和自我发现的规划之旅,并最终以规划书的方式呈现。Pre-graders and 10th graders have just begun to develop themselves in high school, so  goals, dreams, direction and motivation are particularly important for them. Only when students know where they will be heading can they know where they are now, and can they get constantly motivated. Therefore, guided by homeroom teachers, students started to explore and discover themselves, and finally presented their results in the underclassmen worksheets.
宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education
班主任老师们先与同学们一起探讨了“设立目标”的意义。人生就像射箭,目标就像箭靶子,如果连箭靶子都找不到的话,你每天拉弓又有什么意义呢?只有设立了目标,才是迈向成功的第一步。经过与同学们的深刻探讨“设立目标”的意义后,班主任老师们先启发同学们思考自己的长处及想要提升的地方,并且解释原因。同学们立即开启了头脑风暴,纷纷在纸上写下自己的长处。比如,有同学写着,“我觉得我共情能力比较强,因为我平时跟朋友相处的时候他们找我倾诉我能够换位思考理解他们,他们跟我相处感觉很舒服同时遇到观点不一致的人或者是跟我差异很大的人我也会去试着理解他们为什么是这样的为什么会这么做。” 紧接着,班主任老师们引导同学们专注于眼前,脚踏实地,从列出每天的短期目标进阶到中期目标,和长期目标。并结合学校的课程体系,科学地规划高中四年的学术课程安排。Homeroom teachers discussed with students how significant it is to set goals. Life is like archery, and your goal is like the arrow target. If you can't even find the target, what's the point of pulling the bow every day? Only by setting goals can we take the first step toward success. After having an in-depth discussion with the students about the significance of "setting goals", the homeroom teachers inspired the students to think about their strengths and what they need to improve, and explained their reasons. The students immediately started brainstorming and wrote down their strengths on paper. For example, one of them wrote "I feel I am an empathetic student, because I usually get along with friends and when they pour out something to me, I can put myself in their shoes, so they find it comfortable to be with me. Besides, when I meet people who don’t agree with me or even hold vastly different views from mine, I usually try to find out why it is the case"  Then, the homeroom teachers instructed the students to focus on the present and be practical by listing the short-term goals for each day, the mid-term goals and long-term goals based on the curriculum system of the school so that they may plan their 4-year high school studies in a scientific way.宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education

宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education


Many students still feel puzzled about their future though they had racked their brains during this activity. They were at a loss how to set their goals and take practical measures to achieve them. Therefore, homeroom teachers instructed them on how to form good learning habits gradually and contributing to the community by focusing on the present, such as attending each class, completing each assignment or participating in each school activity.

11年级 11th graders
11年级的同学们在学校图书馆参加了由校长Chris主讲的升学指导讲座。The 11th graders attended a lecture given by Principal Chris on college application in the school library.宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education
一开始,Chris校长指出11年级是我们高中学习中最重要的一年,这一年,重中之重就是需要同学们重视所有的校内成绩和校外的标化考试分数。话题一出,紧迫感接踵而来。To begin with, Principal Chris pointed out that grade 11 is the most important year in our high school, and that the most important thing in this year is that students should take  seriously both GPA in school and scores of standardized tests we will take outside school.  As soon as he brought up the topic, a sense of urgency spread among us.紧接着,Chris校长又抛出一个个小故事让大家在欢笑中意识到我们可以有娱乐的时间,但前提是在完成我们日常学业之后。并且他也提到了如果我们想要学科老师帮助我们写出内容更精彩更充实的推荐信,仅是上课安静听讲是远远不够的,还要勇于发问和思考,思考我们所学到的知识可以如何帮助我们自己、他人、社会、国家乃至世界。Chris 校长说文书就是讲故事,讲一个关于自己的小故事。大学看重的不仅仅是你做过什么,还有你的潜能和梦想。Next, Chris assured us that we can have our fun time, but only after we finish our daily work by telling us one short story after another. Besides, he reminded us that if we want the subject teachers to write more wonderful and substantial recommendation letters for us,we should do far more than just listen quietly in class. Furthermore, we should be brave enough to ask questions and think about how to help ourselves, others, the community and even the whole world with what we have learned in class. Chris said that writing is about telling a short story about yourself. Colleges value not only what you have done, but also your potential and dreams.

宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education

宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education


In addition, Chris reminded students not to catch one thing and lose another. If we compare scores of TOEFL, SAT, ACT, GPA, social contribution and hobbies to different organs of the human body, we can afford to lose none of them. Chris vividly and humorously expected students to develop themselves in an all-round way . Chris also asked students to write down any questions they had about college applications and answered them on the spot.

宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education


Finally, Chris suggested that students set two short-term goals for themselves so that they could begin with practical though small goals, making them ready to better achieve medium or long-term goals in the future.

12年级 12th graders

12年级的准毕业生们也在本学期进入繁忙的大学申请阶段。这一次的CAS中,林老师指导12年级同学做大学申请的准备工作,确保所有同学们的Common App 账号链接了Cialfo,在系统里添加心仪的提前批次大学,并告知林老师申请截止日期。同时,也再次提醒同学们要当面邀请两位学科老师,并在系统里发送请求链接。

12th graders or seniors are about to be busy applying for their universities and colleges.  During the CAS session, Ms. Chuman Lin instructed 12th graders to prepare for their college application. She made sure that all students' Common App accounts were linked to Cialfo, and added their favorite EA universities to the system, and had them inform her of the application deadlines. Meanwhile, she also reminded them to invite two subject teachers in person, and send a request link to them in the system.

宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education


Finally, Ms. Lin reminded all seniors to calm down in the final stage of college application, to comprehensively and objectively evaluate their own actual status when choosing a college, and to apply for a college or university which suits their abilities, interests and strengths most.

宏润博源 | 目标教育Goal-Setting Education


During this diverse CAS session, being the self-exploration games,or the lecture on college application or goal setting sharing, we hope to make students understand that they should try to approach their goal slowly. If you are determined to be excellent or outstanding, no force can ever block you.  People's life is the process of constantly looking for, understanding and improving themselves. As high school students, we should live our own way. Remember to aim at the moon. Even if you get lost, you will fall among the stars.